People have been at this site since 6/14/99 ^^
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Favorite Artists
Webpage on it's way!
- Third Planet Defenders � He's my Oniichan! Jason's the web-wizard of the family. BEWARE - This is a StarCraft site!
- Poet's Corner � This is a website of a very good friend of mine who recently moved away, but we keep in touch through the web!
� This is the website of one of my closest friends on the web.
- Ventura Anime Club � My local anime club. An officer, Jerry, showed me the light of Fushigi Yuugi. Then they subbed the last OAV series of FY.
ElfQuest Links
Fantasy Sites
Wow, alot, huh?
Great Services
Anything else you think I should have a link to? Email me with your suggestions! Thanx! ^^